17 Amazing Dessert Tacos Recipes

With it being National Soft Taco Day On The October 3 and it being also National Taco Day on 4th October too I wanted to combine the two National Days together to give you some amazing recipes in fact there is 17 to choose from which can’t be bad


Dessert tacos are so good here are some of the recipes that you could make …Tres Leches Coconut and Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream Tacos with Banana Peanut Salsa,Banana split tacos, strawberry and chocolate tacos, cinnamon ice cream tacos  to name a few


So why not check out these recipes as they are so delicious , they have been brought to you by  huffingtonpost.com website , thanks for sharing them with us



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To get the recipes for all the 17  dessert tacos .. use the link here…. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/10/02/chocolate-taco-dessert-recipes_n_6580290.html




October 3 – National Soft Taco Day


Five Food Finds about Tacos

  1. A taco is a traditional Mexican dish composed of a corn or wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling.
  2. A taco can be made with a variety of fillings, including beef, chicken, seafood, vegetables and cheese, allowing for great versatility and variety.
  3. A taco is generally eaten without utensils and is often accompanied by garnishes such as salsa, avocado or guacamole, cilantro, tomatoes, minced meat, onions and lettuce.
  4. According to the Real Academia Española, publisher of Diccionario de la Lengua Española, the word taco describes a typical Mexican dish of a maize tortilla folded around food (“Tortilla de maíz enrollada con algún alimento dentro, típica de México”).
  5. The original sense of the word is of a “plug” or “wad” used to fill a hole (“Pedazo de madera, metal u otra materia, corto y grueso, que se encaja en algún hueco”).


Article Source :https://foodimentary.com/2015/10/03/october-3-national-taco-day/