A Wonderful Warming Hot Chocolate With Red Wine Recipe

Looking for that wonderful warming drink to give to people this holiday season then why not try this hot chocolate recipe , it will be so good to make to give to family or friends when the turn up with presents and gifts it has that wonderful appeal about that make holiday season a great time of the year

This great recipe has been brought to you by Home Cooking Adventure on YouTube, thanks for sharing it with us


Here below is the recipe and video tutorial to watch both from YouTube


Hot Chocolate with Red Wine is a drink you must have during the cold season. Who doesn’t love to delight with a cup of hot chocolate? Or a hot wine? To combine these two is simply amazing.


Ingredients: Makes about 1-2 servings


3 tsp unsweetened dark cocoa powder

4 tsp sugar

1/4 cup red wine

1 cup milk

pinch of salt



1. Bring wine to a simmer over low heat . ** Heating the wine first is optional, do that only if you want to reduce the alcohol level. If not, simply add the wine over the cocoa and milk mixture, and bring everything to a boil.

2. Meanwhile in a bowl combine cocoa powder with sugar and salt. Add 2 or 3 tbsp of milk and stir well to combine. Add the rest of the milk, stir well and add over the wine. Bring to a boil while whisking from time to time.

3. Pour into your serving cups and serve.


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