A Healthy Cherry Cheesecake To Make

A Healthy Cherry Cheesecake To Make

Yes ,that is right you may ask yourself how can a dessert that looks so good be healthy well this recipe is a vegan ,Low-fat, dairy free, chemical free and is made with nature’s sweetness cherry cheesecake that simply looks so delicious and so tempting that you just want to grab a slice and just eat it ..

I love the way that all three layers look the crust and then the creamy cheese deep filling to the juicy sweet looking top of cherries .. pure heaven ! .. this wonderful recipe is brought to you by FullyRawKristina on YouTube and on her website fullyraw ..thanks for sharing this recipe with us

So take a look at this video to have fun making this cheesecake ..

Here below is a list of the ingredients you will need from the website


Ingredients for the crust:

  • 2 cups of dried mulberries
  • 2 cups of dried figs
  • 1.5 cups of pitted dates



Ingredients for the cashew mylk:

  • Approximately 4 cups of cashews, soaked in coconut water or Evamor water for added sweetness.



Ingredients for the “cheesecake” filling:

  • 7-10 frozen ripe bananas
  • 2 cups of cashew mylk
  • 1 Tbsp. Cinnamon
  • 1 vanilla bean

Ingredients for the cherry glaze:

  • Approximately 3 lbs of pitted cherries (If you don’t want to take the time to pit the cherries, you can also use frozen, organic cherries).

  • 1 lb of pitted dates

Photo source