Cute Christmas Reindeer Cupcakes To Make

Really cute reindeer cupcakes to make that are such fun , these little perfect cupcake treats are great to indulge in over the Christmas period , I really think they look so delicious and will bring that smile to peoples faces

Children will love to help decorate these amazing cupcakes it is great to get them involved in helping over the festive season

This great cupcake recipe is brought to you by Ashley A. Foxen of Reality Bites cupcakes website thanks for sharing this recipe with us

Here below is a list of the things you will need to make these cupcakes


  • Any flavor cupcakes you like (I chose vanilla)
  • Chocolate frosting
  • Mini pretzels
  • Nilla Wafers
  • Red and brown M&Ms (For as many reindeer noses — regular or Rudolph’s — you would like to make!)
  • Candy eyeballs (You can substitute white M&Ms for the eyes by adding a small chocolate frosting dot for the pupil)

Here below is a link to a recipe for plain chocolate cupcakes from the if you need one



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