A Delicious Date Nut Bread Recipe

With it being National Date Nut Bread Day I wanted to find you a recipe that is healthy and easy to make and I think I have found both in this recipe .. a really easy recipe to follow as you will see from the video tutorial below

So why not check out this recipe and make this great bread .. Yummy

This recipe is brought to you by Chef Colton on YouTube , thanks for sharing it with us here below is an excerpt about this recipe


We love nature and always looking for interesting and different foods that are steamed, camping and breads can be baked while relaxing around the campfire.

They make wonderful treats at home. And they make great emergency food, and we did not need a microwave or even a firing range of these breads.  a bit rich for the morning meal, more like a cake of bread, but these backpackers do not seem to mind and it was certainly good enough to be a feast at home. We love moist, quick Date nut bread, and this is one of our favorites. It is nutty, tasty and full of healthy ingredients.

Quick breads contain less sugar and fat than cakes. Usually, but not always, contain fruits or nuts to add flavor and moisture and compensate for the low percentage of fat and sugar. When we speak of date nut bread, we talk unleavened bread loaf shape.





Also here is the ingredients you will need along with the video tutorial also




nut bread



Photo Source 






September 8 is National Date-Nut Bread Day


Here are today’s five thing to know about Bread:

  1. It takes 9 seconds for a combine to harvest enough wheat to make about 70 loaves of bread.
  2. Each American consumes, on average, 53 pounds of bread per year.
  3. An average slice of packaged bread contains only 1 gram of fat and 75 to 80 calories.
  4. One bushel of wheat will produce 73 one-pound loaves of bread.
  5. Breaking bread is a universal sign of peace.


Article Source :https://foodimentary.com/2015/09/08/september-8-national-date-nut-bread-day-2/