Happy Valentine’s Day Braided Chocolate Tear ‘n’ Share Bread

What a delicious chocolate bread to make today seeing as it is Valentine’s Day of course you can make this bread any time as it does look so delicious and I am sure everyone will love it .. so why not check out this amazing recipe below in the video tutorial and make one for you family or close friends to share with you

This great recipe has been brought to you by Proper Tasty on YouTube , thanks for sharing this recipe with us

Here below is the recipe and the video tutorial to watch

Here’s what you will need:
300ml milk
8g yeast packet
1 tbsp sugar
450g plain flour + more for sprinkling
70g caster sugar
Pinch of salt
2 eggs
2 tbsp melted butter
One tub of chocolate spread

1) Mix lukewarm milk, yeast, and a tablespoon of sugar in a bowl. Leave to rest for 15 minutes.
2) In a separate bowl, sift the flour, salt, and caster sugar together. Then, add two egg yolks, the melted butter, and the activated yeast mixture. Set aside the egg whites for later.
3) Stir the mixture until mixed well, then knead for 5-7 minutes until the dough is smooth and slightly elastic. Cover with a kitchen towel and leave in a warm place for 45 minutes to rise.
4) Once the dough has risen to roughly twice its size, transfer to a lightly floured surface, knead for another minute then divide into four. Roll each part out until thin and wide.
5) Use a cake tin or plate to leave a circular imprint on each bit of dough as guide for the chocolate. Spread chocolate spread on three of the four dough sheets, leaving the fourth one with just the imprint.
6) Place each chocolate covered dough circle on top of each other, aligning the circles. Add the last one without chocolate on it, then use the cake tin/plate to make a deep imprint through all four layers.
7) Cut around the cake tin and remove the dough outside the circle.
8) Place a glass in the middle to make a small circular imprint. Cut right through the dough four times in a compass formation, then remove the glass and divide each quadrant into four.
9) Take two sections at a time and twist twice to braid.
10) Take the egg whites left from earlier and apply all over the bread.
11) Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180°C.
12) Enjoy!



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Afternoon Baking With Grandma