How To Make Fresh Orange Cake

Hi fellow Bakers

Baking A cake …

Hope you are still enjoying baking all those wonderful cakes and goodies for your family or friends .. there is nothing more rewarding than seeing them enjoying your own bakes .. I love it

I have been baking cakes since a child with my Nan and she has some really amazing tips that is would pass on to me and the one that I remember the most is when baking a cake it was not when making it but when it was in the oven baking she would say “Sue to get that perfect even bake on that cake you will need to rotate the pans in the oven during baking”

I would look puzzled at her at first because she would say to me never open the oven door when the cake is baking it will sink … so Nan  I would say “Why are we opening the oven door to rotate the pans” and she would reply  “It is a bakers tip you need to wait until the cake is set and then you can “.. did it work of course it did it was my Nan

Over the years I have done this you just have to wait be patient for that right time about two thirds of the way through the baking time and you will get that prefect cake that won’t sink in the middle that is golden brown all  over … a cake to be proud of


Afternoon Baking With Grandma


Sue X


Here for you is a recipe for a delicious orange cake that I am sure you will love it is brought to you by Nisa Homey on YouTube


Orange Cake Recipe, learn to make orange cake with fresh orange.

Butter: 100 gm (1 stick)
Sugar: 1 cup (I used 200 ml cup)
Eggs: 2
Flour: 1 1/4 cups
Curd/yogurt: 1/2 cup
Orange Juice: Juice of one orange
Baking Soda: 1/4 tsp
Chocolate Glaze:
Chocolate chips: 1/2 cup
Milk: 2 tbsp
White chocolate chips: 2 tbsp, to sprinkle on top
Note: Bring all ingredients to room temperature.



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Afternoon Baking With Grandma