If You Love Bakewell Tart Why Not Try Baking These Tartlets

If You Love Bakewell Tart Why Not Try Baking These Tartlets

Bakewell Tart is an English recipe consisting of a shortcrust pastry shell, spread with jam or jelly and covered with a sponge-like filling enriched with ground almonds  which is called frangipane and is then sprinkled with almonds.. a wonderful combination of flavours.

There are different variations of the bakewell tart recipe but I find this one not so sweet as there are other that have icing on them..

This recipe is brought to  My Sweet Ambitions  on YouTube .. a great recipe to follow thanks for sharing it with us

Here below is  ingredients you will need to make these tarts

Ingredients are
Short Cut pastry
85 g cold butter
2-3 table spoon water
1/2 tsp salt
2 table spoon sugar

For the Frangapane Filling or Bakewell Filling
30 g self raising flour
30 g almond meal
60 grams butter
60 grams caster sugar
almond extract 2-3 drops
flaked almond as needed to put on top
1 egg
jam of your choice about 3 table spoon evenly divided on the tart


For any ingredient conversions there is a chart on Afternoon Baking With Grandma main page or here is a Conversion Calculator from dianasdesserts website link is below



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