Totally Yummy Lofthouse Sugar Cookies To Make

Totally Yummy Lofthouse Sugar Cookies To Make

Love cookies and milk? well I personally think these are the cookies that are just right for that occasion when you want to sit and relax with that glass of cold milk and lofthouse sugar cookies.

With  Lofthouse sugar cookies it is a soft cake like sugar cookie  with that  sweet bright butter cream that is really delicious so is one going to be enough?

Why not make a batch of these wonderful cookies too by following the video that is provided on the next page for you to watch and the ingredients you will need.

This great recipe is brought to you by Crouton Crackerjacks on YouTube, thanks for sharing this cookie recipe with us


To check out the ingredients you will need and the video to watch use the next page link below


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Originally posted 2015-06-29 12:13:01.

Afternoon Baking With Grandma