Truly Wonderful Strawberry Cupcakes

Truly Wonderful Strawberry Cupcakes

Want a really great recipe to follow that I am sure you will have fun making and of course have much more fun eating , these cupcakes looks so pretty and will look so great on that cake stand or decorative plate along with that cup of tea , here below is an excerpt from the website about these cupcakes

These strawberry cupcakes are very flavorful and moist. They are made from scratch, using real strawberries and homemade strawberry filling. It’s true they can take some time, more than  making some simple muffins, but totally worth the effort. They were simply IRRESISTIBLE.


The strawberry puree inside the cupcakes is a true delight. This time I simply piped some filling into the cupcakes but next time  will definitely scoop the cupcakes to make sure I can add even more strawberry jam inside.




To check out the full recipe on the homecookingadventure website use the next page link below


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Originally posted 2015-06-26 12:57:15.

Afternoon Baking With Grandma