U.S. /Imperial /Metric Conversions For Recipes


When measuring liquid, cooking measurements are quite straightforward:

Metric Imperial US cups
240ml 8 fl oz 1 cup
180ml 6 fl oz 3/4 cup
150ml 5 fl oz 2/3 cup
120ml 4 fl oz 1/2 cup
75ml 2 1/2 fl oz 1/3 cup
60ml 2 fl oz 1/4 cup
30ml 1 fl oz 1/8 cup
15ml 1/2 fl oz 1 tablespoon


Check this chart for basic imperial to metric conversions:

1/2 oz 14g
1 oz 28g
2 oz 56g
3 oz 84g
4 oz 112g
5 oz 140g
6 oz 168g
7 oz 196g
8 oz 224g
9 oz 252g
10 oz 280g
11 oz 308g
12 oz 336g
13 oz 364g
14 oz 392g
15 oz 420g
1 lb 448g


Ever stop to wonder about teaspoons, dessertspoons and tablespoons? Here are their metric equivalents. But first:

1 dessertspoon = 2 teaspoons
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon

1 teaspoon 5ml
2 teaspoons 10ml
1 tablespoon 15ml
2 tablespoons 30ml
3 tablespoons 45ml
4 tablespoons 60ml
5 tablespoons 75ml
6 tablespoons 90ml
7 tablespoons 105ml

Also know that tablespoons can be easily used to convert dry (and wet) ingredients to/from US cups. Here’s a simple conversion chart:

Tablespoons to US cups

1 tablespoon 1/16 cup
2 tablespoons 1/8 cup
4 tablespoons 1/4 cup
5 tablespoons 1/3 cup
8 tablespoons 1/2 cup
10 tablespoons 2/3 cup
12 tablespoons 3/4 cup
16 tablespoons 1 cup

Weight of common ingredients

Found a recipe in US cups? Keep in mind a cup of butter weighs much more than a cup of flour! Use this chart to convert common ingredients between cups, metric and imperial:

Plain flour and icing sugar

US cups Metric Imperial
1/8 cup 15g 1/2 oz
1/4 cup 30g 1 oz
1/3 cup 40g 1 1/2 oz
1/2 cup 65g 2 1/4 oz
2/3 cup 85g 3 oz
3/4 cup 95g 3 1/4 oz
1 cup 125g 4 1/2 oz

Porridge oats

US cups Metric Imperial
1/8 cup 10g 1/3 oz
1/4 cup 20g 3/4 oz
1/3 cup 30g 1 oz
1/2 cup 45g 1 1/2 oz
3/4 cup 60g 2 1/4 oz
1 cup 85g 3 oz

Sugar (caster and granulated)

US cups Metric Imperial
1/8 cup 25g 1 oz
1/4 cup 50g 1 3/4 oz
1/3 cup 70g 2 1/4 oz
1/2 cup 100g 3 1/2 oz
2/3 cup 135g 4 3/4 oz
3/4 cup 150g 5 1/4 oz
1 cup 200g 7 oz

Brown soft sugar

US cups Metric Imperial
1/8 cup 25g 1 oz
1/4 cup 55g 2 oz
1/3 cup 75g 2 1/2 oz
1/2 cup 110g 4 oz
2/3 cup 150g 5 oz
3/4 cup 170g 6 oz
1 cup 220g 7 3/4 oz

Honey, treacle and syrup

US cups Metric Imperial
1/8 cup 45g 1 1/2 oz
1/4 cup 85g 3 oz
1/3 cup 110g 4 oz
1/2 cup 170g 6 oz
2/3 cup 225g 8 oz
3/4 cup 250g 9 oz
1 cup 340g 12 oz

Butter and margarine

US cups Metric Imperial
1/8 cup 25g 1 oz
1/4 cup 60g 2 oz
1/3 cup 75g 3 oz
1/2 cup 110g 4 oz
2/3 cup 150g 5 1/4 oz
3/4 cup 180g 6 1/4 oz
1 cup 225g 8 oz

Quick conversions

For other common ingredients, here are some quick conversions from US cups to metric:

1 cup chocolate chips = 150g
1 cup cocoa powder = 125g
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans = 125g
1 cup walnut or pecan halves = 100g
1 cup desiccated coconut = 75g
1 tablespoon baking powder = 15g
1 tablespoon salt = 18g
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese = 120g
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese = 80g
1 cup dried breadcrumbs = 120g
1 cup couscous = 175g
1 cup lentils = 190g
1 cup sultanas or raisins = 170g