Wonderful Home-Made Christmas Mincemeat To Make

When it comes to mince pies there is nothing quite like making your own mince meat for your festive mince pies , so here for you is a really wonderful recipe to make your own which is easy to do

I really love this recipe so I wanted to pass it on to you all just in time so you can make your own mince pie , how delicious

This great recipe is brought to you by deliaonline.com website , thanks for sharing this recipe with us

Here below is a list of the ingredients you will need to make this recipe from the website

You can buy some very good mincemeat, but when it is home-made it really is in another league, and once you make it yourself, you’ll never look back.

  Makes 6 lb (2.75 kg)


 1 lb (450 g) Bramley apples, cored and chopped small (no need to peel them)

 8 oz (225 g) shredded suet

 12 oz (350 g) raisins

 8 oz (225 g) sultanas

 8 oz (225 g) currants

 8 oz (225 g) whole mixed candied peel, finely chopped

 12 oz (350 g) soft dark brown sugar

 grated zest and juice 2 oranges

 grated zest and juice 2 lemons

 2 oz (50 g) whole almonds, cut into slivers

 4 level teaspoons mixed ground spice

 ½ level teaspoon ground cinnamon

 ¼ level teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

 6 tablespoons brandy

You will also need 6 x 1lb (350ml) preserving jars and 6 waxed discs.


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To check the full written recipe from it’s original source on deliaonline.com  website please use the next page link below
