Wonderful Homemade Apple Crumble

Wonderful Homemade Apple Crumble

 A wonderful sweet yet tart dessert with that delightful crumble top , you can chose what apple variety you want in this apple crumble it is up to you as they all work really well , this dessert is a great one to make for family or friends over the weekend when everyone can sit and enjoy it .. happy baking

Here below is a list of the ingredients you will need along with the video to watch too


4-5 Brambly Cooking Apples
60g Caster Sugar
1 tsp Cinnamon (or to your taste) I also use a cinnamon stick
2.5 fl oz Water


230g Flour
170g Butter
50g Oats
110g Caster Sugar
Cinnamon to taste

photo source 

Originally posted 2015-08-07 11:17:11.

Afternoon Baking With Grandma