Breaking News! 4 Holiday Treats You Can Make In The Microwave

Here for you are 4 Amazing Treat for the holidays that you can make in the microwave, these treats are Candy Fudge,Microwave Caramels,Christmas Chex Mix and Cookies for Santa Bark .. all so delicious


So don’t get your tinsel in a tangle! These microwave desserts are Christmas treats for real life.


This great recipe has been brought to you by website and tablespoonrecipes on YouTube , thanks for sharing it with us


Here below is  an excerpt about these treats and at the bottom of the page is the video tutorial from YouTube


  • Microwave Caramels

    No candy thermometer? No problem. These sweet, buttery, chewy caramels are just like grandma used to make. (Except, you know, in the microwave. Grandma’s not made of time, people.)

  • Christmas Chex Mix™

    This homemade Chex Mix came to party. Pretty enough to give away, and so easy you won’t mind sharing. But be warned (“warned”): this recipe yields more than 12 cups of ridiculously good Chex Mix, so you’re probably gonna need a bigger bowl.

  • Microwave Candy Cane Fudge

    We should’ve called this fudge “The Four-Ingredient Miracle.” Stock up on the pantry-friendly ingredients now, and you’ll have something to bring to any social gathering that pops up between now and January 1.

  • Cookies for Santa Bark

    We definitely saved the cutest for last. With Cookie Crisp for the 90s child in all of us, and a dark chocolate drizzle that keeps things just grown up enough.


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To get the full written recipe should you want it please use the link below